what a great word. I was having a crazy hard time this week with Søster Perkins being super sick and us having to just stay in and roost in our little apartment I had a lot of time to think...hoohay, amirite? Well I had been feeling pretty low on energy and low on life, it had been a number of days since the sun had shone and the wind was knocking people over and I can't understand things anybody says to me and it was just like "what in the world is this place that I'm living in?"
Well...Monday night and Tuesday we had splits with our Sister Training Leaders, Søster Reed and Søster Mann. I was with the wonderful Søster Reed and we had a good talk while walking in this park. She said what really helped her at the start of her mission was during her prayers to God every morning she would ask Him what His expectations of her were for that day. Nothing else, just for that day, and that would be what she would focus on and put her efforts towards. Smart sister right there...There's a lot of expectations of us in this life and God expects a lot from us BUT He doesn't expect it all at once. So out came the paper and pen and splitting it in half. One side: what I'm freaking out about and on the other What am I going to do about it. If there wasn't anything I could do about it, such as weather, people's receptiveness, etc, it got crossed off and then realizing I don't need to be fluent in danish right now but I do need to try and talk to these people and talk during lessons.
Anyways, that's the dansk word of the week - forventninger.
cool church that rings every hour and some cool fog lighting |
Ok other fun things from this week other than splits...Søster Perkins is super better now, so we were trying to visit people and riding our bikes and whatnot and we were stopped to ride across the street when this old lady stops us and just tells us her life story while holding Søster Perkins' hand and resting her hand on my shoulder. She moved to Sjælland from Jylland to marry this man but now he's dead and everyone's dead. She also said that religion is so interesting to her and she believes she'll be with her husband again. Then she continued to talk about how there's a storm coming tonight so we better not be out in a few hours or else the wind will knock us over because the wind has knocked her over before....
so fast forward to that night:
With the old woman's last words of "Pas på piger!" (take care girls!) but being the diligent missionaries that we are and the time during this day being 20:30 we decided to continue kontakting but it was raining like crazy and the wind was insane. And off we went! It was so funny and just a crazy time of Søster Perkins and i trying to talk to people and just getting blown away. It was a hoot. With the old woman's words ever ringing in our words "Pas på piger!"
what a day...
And then i thought...this message is too important to keep indoors. This message needs to be shared in rain and wind and snow and sunshine and all of it! It's so important! It means so much!
Yesterday was Stake Konference for all of Sjælland. There are only 2 stakes in Danmark...but still...we had two investigator friends come which was so awesome! i was nursing a borderline migraine so I couldn't concentrate too hard on the dansk but it was just so cool. And it was just fun to be in Gladsaxe and København with all the members on Sjælland...so cool.
Also today, we actually MADE some danish pastry - vienerbrød. It was so scrumptious. Man, danish food may be the death of me...that just reminded me....I thought I was going to die last night at this dinner appointment we had. I just finished stuffing my face with potatoes cooked in milk and cheese, frikadellers (some danish meatball), and bread and this yummy apple cake. So I am so full like if I eat any more I will probably burst...and then they say "eat more cake..." and I thought "this is it...this is when I die...this is how I go, death by cake like Marie Antoinette..." but then I ate more and lived to tell the tale...
Well, that's it!
One more thought for the week: Luke 17:32 "Remember Lot's wife."
How often do we look back longingly at our past lives instead of looking towards the future with a firm faith in God's plan for us? As Elder Holland said "Faith points towards the future."
love you all! Have a happy week and a happy Monday and just a happy all of it!
Søster Chesss (beacuase Danes can't say my name)
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