Ok I think time is on some sort of speedy thing here in Scandinavia...
Today has been crazy foggy, like weird ominous foggy...and dark. Oh well.
On a bus earlier this week heading out to Næstved Of Monsters and Men song came on - "Howling ghosts they reappear, mountains that are stacked with fear...but you're a king and I'm a lionheart..." Oh it set my little soul on fire! Listening to that song on that bus IN Denmark IN Scandinavia. It was surreal. We were driving past huge white windmills, like the ones on the way to San Diego, and the greenest hills I have ever seen and weird forests and it's all just so surreal.
Søster Perkins and I contemplating the great mysteries of life |
This week we've had some really solid lessons and we have a lot of progressing friends which is really awesome. I had my first door slammed in my face which was really funny to me. Søster Perkins and I laughed and laughed about it on our way to the next door.
Søster Perkins has been real sick this week so we've been working on trying to get her better so we can get back to work and stuff. Baby steps of lots of rest, lots of warmth and lots of peppermint, honey, and lemon (thanks Dad).
Our friend Harold the friendly spider |
The Danes here don't really care about Halloween at all. The day before Halloween some members in our ward took us and the Ældster in our area to this awesome shop with jack-o-lanterns, and this really cool pottery and the Danish version of Les Mis and Phantom of the Opera was playing which meant I was a happy camper. Then there was a man dressed up as dracula that took a swig of something strong and spit it out on a stick of fire making him breathe fire. It was so funny and so great. We were just loving it.
Also I ate the biggest slice of pizza I have ever before laid eyes on. It was a meat pizza. Ham instead of cheese with pepperoni and bacon on top. It was incredible.
Another random thing from this week - my distrikt and myself all had the opportunity to be media trained yesterday for 5 hours. So 8 hours of church on a fastsunday...oodles of fun...YES.
We were trained on how to conduct ourselves in interviews adn stuff...So we got mediatrained because the Elders in our distrikt from Nykobing are being interviewed for this newspaper thing...but now I am trained to officially talk about the church on camera or in print which is fun haha.
Our apartment's bakyard - magical aye? |
Almost no one can say my name right here in this great land. it's incredibly amusing. The most common one which is surprising to me is "Chelsney" I don't know where they get the n from but its there...or I just get "Chesss" The "ey" sound is nonexistent in this here language. It's funny.
Also, shoes get taken off before entering homes. AND the Danes have WAY better table manners than Americans. All forks are used byt he left hand and knives by the right (I guess I've been doing it wrong my whole life) you don't start eating until everyone has there's and the host starts. And you eat everything in front of you. And when you're done you put your knife and fork together at the 5 o'clock. It's so interesting.
Last thought for the day:
Even though I am incredibly NOT confident being out here: the language, the teaching, the language, the people, the language. I know where I CAN find my confidence and that's in my Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ. I can find strength in the fact that I am a daughter of God and through Him i can be confident. That this isn't my work, this is His and He will be there with me every step of this crazy adventure.
Life is good.
God is good.
Happy Monday!
Søster Chesley
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