About Søster Chesley

I can't be a-a-a Wizard. I mean... I'm just Taylor, just Taylor.

Born May 11, 1995 on a Thursday and thereafter raised in the dry, fiery deserts of Arizona. We moved around a lot when I was younger and met amazing people all around the East Valley because of it. The oldest of 4, my younger siblings are my best friends. My parents taught me independence, strength, bravery, and to always be one to advocate for those in need. Throughout my life reading and writing became serious passions of mine, while also developing a deep attachment to the ocean and nature in general - I'm stoked to finally see the Atlantic as I fly over it to my new home for the next 18 months. My family labels me as a "hippie-wild woman" due to my appreciation, admiration, and love for all things living. I name my plants and set spiders free while celebrating World Ocean's Day and Earth Day. 
July 2013 I made my biggest move yet, up to Flagstaff to start school for the fall semester. I had no clue what I wanted to study thus leading me to take on a plethora of liberal arts classes and eventually uncovering my love for history and even more my love for teaching. I tutored students in math throughout high school and found myself teaching in Sunday School often with my calling as a Ward Missionary, then as a Gospel Doctrine teacher. Two years of schooling are under my belt before I leave for my mission and one more year to go plus student teaching when I return (that's the plan at least). 
I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to live in Flagstaff, 7000 feet about the sea. I've met some incredible people and have been able to see and experience some incredible things that I wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. I've loved becoming a little tree nymph and exploring the universe one friend, one field, one tree, and one flower at a time.
Saying I'm excited to serve a mission is a wild understatement. I have been waiting for this since I received my answer that I needed to serve a mission back in October of 2013. It's been a long road and like my lovely mother said I've needed to "just be patient to the very end." I've encountered roadblock, after roadblock, after potentially having it cancelled, after working with 5 different bishops, and 4 different stake presidents. But one thing I know, is this church is true and I have been able to grow so much during that time and have been able to learn, progress, and go on so many new adventures, and meet so many comely humans. Even though I've had to accept the fact that I'm not a wizard I know this life holds so many magical mysteries and experiences if we just choose to go out and do and act and live!
Life is rad people. I'm so grateful to be apart of it. 

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