Ok this week has been crazy - so my sickness transformed itself into a sinus infection so I went to the doc and he hooked me up with some of that amoxicilin and permission to sleep in HOLLA!
Saturday and Monday were glorious to sleep in until 8 haha. I'm feeling loads better after getting a blessing of healing from some sweet elders in my district and getting some rest and taking it easy.
So - because I was sick and stuff Søster Keller og Jeg got to go off the MTC campus and go to the pharmacy to pick up the drugss - this is me being sick with the goods in the bag. |
I feel like I'm so behind in the language because I've had sick brain BUT it's a new week so danish get ready to be spoken! Today's been the firstt day where I'm not blowing my nose every 5 minutes, but I'm still coughing up my lungs so we'll see how that goes..
Last Thursday we got to teach this older danish lady who's a member and lived in Copenhagen her whole life. She was super funny and said something cool - we were talking about enduring to the end (på dansk) and she said that sometimes it's too difficult to think about enduring to the end, so you take it day by day or in some cases hour by hour - "Ok, I just have to endure this day and then tomorrow we'll get to it tomorrow..." It's true, you gotta do you. She was awesome. Tomorrow we'll be teaching someone else from Denmark in danish.
My district and I have been playing LOADS of Sand Volleyball - it's been a blast. My knees are raw from diving and there's tons of sand in my ears but it's lovely. And it's so lovely to be outside and enjoy the weather.
So in the blessing my lovely elders gave me - Ældste Howe said something cool he said that the Lord needed me to work hard here, now for the people of Denmark. That's why he'll heal me. Because of my need to work hard. I'm grateful for you mor og far for teaching me how to work hard and to focus, stay on task, and when I see something that needs to get done - BOOM I do it. You guys are great.
Sunday - fast and testimony meeting. Honestly, best fast and testimony meeting ever - Dad you'd have loved it. Everybody's testimony was MAYBE 2 minutes long. So many people got to get up and speak the truth that was in their hearts. I mean, testimonies don't need to be long - think of the apostles and Prophet, when they're talking in gen conference they don't take an additional 15 minutes to testify, they speak the truths in their hearts and it's quick, simple, and POWERFUL. Oh man, it was great.
Also, got to watch Elder Richard G. Scott's funeral service which was so cool. My favorite story was him and some other member sof the 12 were in New Zealand and they came across this beautiful river. Everyone admired it and walked back to the car - Elder Scott, instead, jumped into the river suit.tie, shoes, and all and swam around. How awesome.
Last night we got to hear Elder Corta of the presidency of the 70 speak - it was incredible. Favorite part "You can open an apple and count the seeds in each apple, but you can't count the apples in each seed. You're not going to know the fruits of your labors here on your mission until the life to come. You're not going to fully understand the impact you're having on peoples lives." Whoa, right? So cool.
Anyways, life is good, I'm feeling better!
Love you all so much!
Have a happy happy week!
3 more weeks and then I'm in Denmark which is so crazy to think about - like, I don't know enough Danish...but oh well....life works out!
Jeg elsker jere!
Søster Chesley